Allright so here is the bad news.......The recording that I did had some complications and is not going to be available like I thought it would......However, what came out of the recording is actually really neat. I learned so much (the hard way) and the ideas and creativity that were born out of that was tremendous. Problem is, I dont have anything to give to anybody yet....so here's what I've decided.
I am going to post videos of some of my songs.......this way, you will be able to listen and watch at the same time.....DOUBLE THE PLEASURE!!!!!
Then, as I start playing more and more shows, I will be posting those as well (First show of the summer was scheduled today...CHECK IT OUT ON MY MYSPACE LINK BELOW!!!)
I think that I will also start getting some live recordings on the space as well......
I will be moving more toward ReverbNation on Facebook....Ilike.com and that sort of thing during the summer as well.....so if your reading this and we are not friends on Facebook....Twitter....or Myspace..... yet.....MAKE IT HAPPEN!
So again, thank you guys so much for your support and understanding......and I think that its time that I start blowing out the effin speaks!!!!!!(as in, playing so loud and hard that the speakers blow---thats what she said)
sounds like a growing experience, those are good, sometimes hard, but good
look forward to seeing/hearing your post ;)
Sucks...but then if you learned a few things and that makes your art better then it's worth the trials and anguish.
Ok so I'm a lover/hater of FB. I've deleted and tossed out all my friends like 3 times already. I just open it back up...so yes I'll send you an invite...but don't be offended if I suddening disappear--as I might delete it again!! haha...i'm a loser I know.
Anyway---looking forward to seeing your stuff. Great photo by the way.
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