I feel sorry for 98% of the people I know, and I'm not really sure why.
I wonder if anything I've ever done in life has subsequently led to someone's death.
When I meet an attractive girl, I purposely act like I don't like her.
I think music is the single greatest part of life.
I act like I don't care what people think, but my self-esteem hangs on their every word.
I'm scared to death to fly on an airplane, I get nervous just going to airports.
I trust my dog more than I'll ever trust any person.
I think that girls look better without make-up...seeing lipstick on a girls lips makes me sick to my stomach.
I think about the people who were in the top floors of the World Trade Center buildings when they fell on 9/11 almost every day.
I personify everything I own, I hate the taste of beer, I used to be popular.