Monday, November 19, 2007


Sometimes I wonder what Heaven is like, but more often I wonder what Hell is like, and I feel guilty for that.

I feel sorry for 98% of the people I know, and I'm not really sure why.

I wonder if anything I've ever done in life has subsequently led to someone's death.

When I meet an attractive girl, I purposely act like I don't like her.

I think music is the single greatest part of life.

I act like I don't care what people think, but my self-esteem hangs on their every word.

I'm scared to death to fly on an airplane, I get nervous just going to airports.

I trust my dog more than I'll ever trust any person.

I think that girls look better without make-up...seeing lipstick on a girls lips makes me sick to my stomach.

I think about the people who were in the top floors of the World Trade Center buildings when they fell on 9/11 almost every day.

I personify everything I own, I hate the taste of beer, I used to be popular.

Monday, October 29, 2007

"Only in Atheism does the spring rise higher than the source, the effect exist without the cause, life come from a stone, blood from a turnip, a silk purse from a sow’s ear, a Beethoven Symphony or a Bach Fugue from a kitten walking across the keys....."
James M. Gillis

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween and the greatest game ever

I've been saying it for years but this Halloween I will finally be handing out candy for the first time since I was 8 years old. Here is a pic of the pumpkin that I carved.

Musically, the songs are going well. Matt and I have yet to play in our fall tour, but it will be starting shortly.

I also included a link to the greatest game ever played at Qwest field. I was 6th row in the end zone and almost passed out twice after this play because I was jumping up and down and yelling with pure joy .......another thing that I haven't done since I was 8.

Greatest game ever....

Thursday, October 04, 2007


In the middle of the parking lot, in the middle of the pouring rain, that's when my maker reminded me of why I came here. And it's about time I got on with it.

p.s. Who knew Al was poetic?

-Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.

--Albert Einstein

Friday, August 24, 2007


My friend Kendal has posted some of her songs that I played lead guitar on. You can go here and listen to "Monday Mornings", and "Under Your Eyes" if you want to hear some of the guitar stuff I did.

Matt and I are getting revved up for the fall in what will be our first "tour" I guess you could call it. Still looking for a drummer and some other musicians, but in the words of Ray Kinsella..."If you build it, they will come"


Friday, June 22, 2007

days since gone

I miss my 420 square foot apartment, my 19 inch tv screen, no cable,

I miss singing to my kitchen, which to me, was like singing to a sold out crowd at the Verizon Wireless amphitheater.

I miss the 90+ heat. A humid heat that fogs up the windows at night, falling asleep to the sound of my air conditioner under a mountain of blankets.

I miss the street lights I was once so familiar with. I knew every inch of that town, and loved each one.

I miss the roller-coasters, the kettle corn, elephant ears, the bright lights and glow-necklaces. The sound of children being truly happy.

I miss Fellows lake, cooking hot dogs with sticks, falling asleep next to a fire.

I miss my job as an overnight janitor, my empty bank account, the smile in my soul.

Maybe someday, I'll play to a sold out amphitheater, and as I look out at the crowd, the only thing I will see are a fridge, old stainless steel sink, and some worn out cabinets.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Live Shows

I have played some live shows with the saxaphone player and they have gone really well. The owner of one of the coolest clubs in the Seattle area is going to post one of our performances on YouTube, so I will link to that when it is available. He also wants us to showcase there sometime in August, but we'll see. There are alot of songs I want to write before then so hopefully I can get them done, and we are starting to concentrate on finding a drummer, bass player, and maybe piano.

The link to the lead work I did with Kendal S.(singer/songwriter) is not up yet as she is on vacation, but I will post it when it becomes available.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I've been playing with a Saxaphone player, (Matt) whose style is a perfect fit. It is nice to finally be playing with someone else who can add so much depth to these songs. We are going to start playing live as soon as I have all of the copyrights in place. It is more work than I ever imagined it would be, but should be completed in about a week.

In other musical news, I will be heading into the studio May 6th to add some guitar work to the recordings of a singer/song-writer that I have been playing with lately. She is recording about 5 songs and is going to post them on her myspace when they're finished, so of course I will put a link on this page.

Also, my friend Mike, who built a studio into his house, is doing some really cool ambient soundscape recordings that are so abstract and out of the ordinary, yet sound so cool. So I will be adding some guitar work to that also.


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Latest Miscellany

I just finished playing with a Saxaphone player, and it went really well. The songs sounded tight, and the sax fit perfectly. The horn Filled the empty spaces in the music like a missing puzzle piece.....that jazzy, smooth, stream of melody is music to my ears.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I wonder if she’ll love me, or ever grasp my hand.

And when next time her tears fall, on whose shoulder will they land?

Will she ever say goodbye to me, or slowly walk away?

Will she call for no real reason, on a darkened rainy day?

Will she tell her friends about me, the way that I’ve told mine?

Has she ever been truly hurt, but when asked replied, “I’m fine”.

Her hopes, her dreams, her biggest fears, what she hates most about herself.

I wonder if she wonders these same things for someone else.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Running had always been an escape, and after hearing the news, I gave it all I had, maybe a little more.
Stopping after the pain became unbearable, I shuffled into the house like an aging prize-fighter, limping and beaten.
It was then that I realized, my true injuries lay in a deeper, more hurtful place.
My heart, once capable of inspiring others so completely, could no longer inspire so much as itself.

It beat now only out of habit.
It beat now only because it could.

Me---Wonder Boys